Bella Ramsey wonders if we are overreacting by calling Pedro Pascal «daddy»
Pedro Pascal is at the peak of his career. The Chilean actor has very interesting projects on the horizon (such as Gladiator 2), and he has just participated in Pedro Almodovar’s short film, Strange Way of Life. In addition, he has two series in which he plays a protective father: The Last of Us and The Mandalorian. In the first one, he gives life to Joel, who takes care of Ellie (Bella Ramsey), and in the second one, to Din Djarin, who takes care of Grogu. This has caused a craze on the internet, which has turned Pascal into a surprising sex idol.

Parent roles
«Yes, I have fun with it. It doesn’t stop being related to the role,» Pascal recently commented on his daddy fame at a Hollywood Reporter roundtable. «The Mandalorian is Grogu’s daddy, and Joel is Ellie’s daddy. They’re daddy roles, is what they are.» Pascal seems happy with the public’s cooing, although he surely doesn’t forget the awkward moments it has led him to. For example, when he was asked to imitate Din Djarin’s voice under the mask, or when he was asked to read sexual tweets addressed to him.

Ramsey shows his concern
Ramsey, with whom he shared scenes in The Last of Us and will do so again in the second season (currently stalled by the writers’ strike), recently expressed concern about how Pascal will be handling it, in Vanity Fair.

Has it gone too far?
Ramsey, who identifies as a non-binary gender person, questions whether we may have gone too far in associating Pascal with our «daddy.» «At first I thought it was funny, but now I’m worried he’s gone too far. I don’t know if he still finds it funny, I have to ask him,» she says referring to Pascal.

Ramsey and Pascal are close friends
On the other hand, he believes it is normal that the actor has captivated the public in such a way. «It’s a worldwide phenomenon as it should be, because it’s pretty incredible,» he adds. The friendship that Ramsey and Pascal forged during the filming of The Last of Us, similar to Ellie and Joel’s bond, has been one of the incentives for the cult following towards the actor.