Holy Week in Malaga
As every year, the actor and producer makes a gap in his busy schedule to travel to Malaga and be part of the celebrations of Holy Week.

Palm Sunday
As it could not be otherwise, he did not miss the traditional Palm Sunday procession. He was accompanied by Nicole Kimpel.

He arrived at the church very happy to be able to participate one more year in the traditions of his city.

Favorable climate
Enjoying the good weather, taking advantage that the weather seems to be favorable for the next few days.

Virgin of Tears
He recalled how he always has the Virgin of Tears present, who accompanies him in his dressing room every day.

Be thankful for a good year
«It has been a beautiful year and La Virgen de Lágrimas is always in my dressing room» he assured the media. Grateful for the good start of the year 2023, he only asks the Virgin to continue enjoying good health.

Recently, Antonio Banderas met again with Melanie Griffith during his trip to Los Angeles. The date took place in a well-known hotel and their daughter Stella could not miss it.

Good relations
The Spanish actor assured that it was a nice reunion and he has a good relationship with his ex-wife.

In position
Already dressed for the occasion, he took his place at his post in order to pull the step.

With Nicole Kimpel
Before starting, Nicole Kimpel approached him to talk for a few minutes with her partner.

Antonio Banderas embraced the rest of his companions to sing the hymn «Lágrimas De San Juan». At the end of the song, he affectionately greeted a newborn baby, with whom he was fascinated, saying.